Pain after surgery

Period: 16.09.2012 - 23.09.2012
Protocol entries: 1
Area(s): Operation, Pain

This morning I received an emergency call from my great-niece F. She has been in the hospital since last week because a cyst on her ovary had to be removed by surgery. This surgery in itself is very uncomfortable and the scar hurts a lot, as F. reports. She will most likely be released from the hospital tomorrow, which she is looking forward to on the one hand. But on the other hand …, she gave birth to her second son just a few weeks ago.

Please send Reiki to F. in the period from 16.09.- 30.09.2012.
We, F. and I, will report.


  • 23.09.2012
    Very good cure

    Dear Helpers, Dear C.,

    on 14.09. I was operated on my fallopian tube. I had a cyst. That’s why I had to have a drain from Friday until Sunday noon. This was then pulled for me Sunday afternoon. Due to the pain, I had to take pain medication several times a day until Sunday noon, which is difficult as a nursing mother.

    Sunday evening I was allowed to leave the hospital. From Sunday evening I received Reiki from your colleagues and you. This supported the healing so well that I didn’t need any more tablets and was able to move very well again on Wednesday.

    Friday I went to the doctor and everything healed very well. Thank you all very much for your support and I think I can manage on my own from now on.

    All the love and many, many thanks.