Pressure sores and unbearable pain

Period: 17.01.2014 - 03.02.2014
Protocol entries: 2
Area(s): end-of-life care, Operation, Pain

My friend P. asks for help for her mother.

Mrs. K. fell on 11.12.2013 and had to undergo surgery on the neck of the femur. Since then, she has been in a nursing bed, has developed several open pressure ulcers (bedsores) on her body, can only eat liquid nutrition, and is racked with pain.


  • 24.01.2014
    No pain at the moment

    I personally visited Mrs. K. today and treated her with Reiki for one hour (she is just lying in bed). She is not in pain at the moment (gets painkillers daily), is very tired, sleeps a lot, but relaxed and calm (14 days ago she was tense and anxious). The pressure sore unfortunately continues to spread (she can no longer move and only lies on her back). Their breathing is short and shallow. She can only eat porridge.

    Thank you for your support. Her daughter hopes that she will soon be able to leave this world.

    A. K. from Munich

  • 03.02.2014
    Final feedback

    During the emergency chain period, Ms. K was relatively stable. She very rarely had pain, was overall quite calm. The pressure sore is unfortunately incurable. Her overall condition deteriorated significantly over the weekend, she is in pain again, short of breath, almost unresponsive and barely drinking. She has probably entered the final phase and her daughter hopes that she will not have to suffer too long.

    I would like to thank all those who supported Mrs. K. with Reiki. I visited her on 24/01/2014 and treated her with Reiki. She was feeling better and was very grateful for the emergency chain. Now is the time for them to go. She is at home, receiving 24-hour care from a nurse and taking strong pain medication.

    It was nice to see how Reiki could ease them.
    Thank you.
    A. K. from Munich