What is Reiki?

Self healingReiki is a harmonising energy that supports the self-healing process on all levels equally. Reiki specific characteristics are:

  • it is independent of one’s physical condition or concentration
  • it manifests itself spontaneously
  • it always goes to the root of the problem
  • it works holistically on body, mind and soul
  • it flows, whether you believe in it or not
  • it is free of dogma
  • once activated you have Reiki all your life

All this is true if Reiki has been activated in the hands through the 4 initiations.

The beauty of Reiki lies in its simplicity; it does not take special knowledge or talent. Everyone, including children, can acquire this universal energy. The only condition is that the Reiki Master “connects” us to this energy in 4 initiations during the Reiki seminar. After that anyone initiated can use Reiki for the rest of their lives. The unique thing about it is that you can treat yourself as well as others.

During a treatment, most people experience a deep relaxation, which is essential to better health on all levels.

Reiki aids us in finding calm and composure and can help us in any situation. For many, Reiki is a path to personal growth. Often unknown talents and capabilities are uncovered. We can use Reiki at any time, and independently of our state of health, because it is not endogenous but a “universal” energy. It supports all other forms of therapy.

The most current scientific thesis says that the “source” of Reiki can be found in the subatomic realm of quantum physics. Much more conclusive however, are people’s sensations and observable results of Reiki.

Reiki is safe, easy and natural – suitable for everyone, independent of age, way of thinking or state of health. Once activated by the Reiki master, this energy flows with ease from the hands as soon as we touch a living being.

Reiki flows spontaneously and irrespective of state of mind to the symptom as well as to its causes, without us having to know them. The mere touch suffices. A treatment ideally takes an hour for grownups. Reiki cannot be controlled or influenced and exclusively serves the holistic healing process of all living beings (also animals and plants). Reiki affects neither personal religious faith nor does one have to believe in it. It is free and beyond doctrine.