My brother D. has had two strokes, had been medically restored quite well, only in one leg the motor function is slowed down. His wife left him as a result. She did not want to take responsibility for him. Are now divorced. Since this shock, things have gone steadily downhill, Dieter no longer has any courage or will to live. Is now so weak, bedridden. Tolerates only a few people around him. Please send Reiki.
Improved perceptionD. begins to perceive his environment again. He has even exchanged a few sentences with his brother. Thank you very much for your support and please keep sending until 12.11.
Significant improvementD. is no longer apathetic. In the conversations, he spontaneously answered or even asked questions. He develops his own will, which he increasingly expresses. He has had his physical therapist make the last two appointments and work on him, which has not been possible at all lately.
And to everyone’s delight, he drank and also started eating again. Before that, he sometimes had to be put on a drip to prevent dehydration. We are so happy to see the progress he has made lately. The doctors had described him as out of treatment and now we are seeing developments that we didn’t even want to believe in anymore.
A very big thank you to everyone who supported D. We are incredibly grateful.