Heart attack

Period: 08.02.2012 - 23.02.2012
Protocol entries: 2
Area(s): Heart, Psyche

A dear Reiki woman (U. H.) who used to come to my meetings on Wednesdays has had a heart attack. She came through the surgery, where she had three bypasses placed, just fine thanks to Reiki sending from the Bremen Reiki people. Now she is in the cure and is still very weakened, also by an additional infection, which is very persistent.
Please send her Reiki to help her get well and regain her strength quickly.


  • 13.02.2012
    Mobility increases

    Dear S.,
    I spoke with U. on the phone today. According to the circumstances, she is already doing better. When she arrived at rehab, nothing worked. Now after one week she is already much more mobile. Her scar still hurts, she still sleeps badly. Also has back pain due to sleeping on my back all the time.
    She thanks everyone who sends her Reiki and feels well taken care of and that gives her strength and courage.
    I told her that until Feb. 22. Reiki is sent for them. She was very grateful about this and gladly accepts it.
    In this sense,

  • 23.02.2012
    Significantly better

    Dear Reiki Senders,
    U. thanks very much for your support. She felt it very much that she got a lot of Reiki and she is much better.
    Thanks to all,