Insomnia, pain and anxiety

Period: 01.04.2015 -
Protocol entries: 3
Area(s): Fear, Pain, Psyche

R., a woman in her 60s from India, wrote the following: Ask for Reiki because situation very bad for me, special head – pain, anxiety, stress in the head.


  • 06.04.2015

    I (René Vögtli) received the mail below from R. and today I talked her into it and also made her aware that she should not rely on Reiki help alone and should also think about self-treatment. Here her mail:
    “So far, I haven’t felt any improvement. I still have a lot of nervousness, panic and anxiety and have trouble sleeping. Stomach also feels very nervous.”

  • 14.04.2015

    R. is not really doing any better. She thanks you for your help.

    Thank you as well – even if this has not been the most “successful” of all our cases. As I said, “to the highest good” often means surprising.

    René Vögtli