Fall on the kneecap

Period: 05.08.2012
Area(s): Accidents / injuries

In early March 2012, I was in a big hurry and fell and hit my left kneecap on the way to my yoga class. It cracked in such a way that I thought “Oh God, she’s through”. When I could breathe again, I immediately thought “give Reiki”. However, it was so cold that I still “dragged” myself the few meters into the event room, immediately sat down on a yoga mat and gave myself Reiki. It was incredible how that “worked”. My yoga teacher also has Reiki 2 and then briefly explained to the others what I was doing. I then sat for a full 1 1/2 hours and gave Reiki on the knee. It took a very long time before I noticed that the pain was subsiding somewhat. It was like a “notch” across the kneecap. But then I could even go home, albeit in pain, but it was bearable; I know that without Reiki this would not have been possible. I continued to put Reiiki on it in the afternoon and within a few weeks I was able to kneel on my knee again! It was like a miracle. Everyone asked me how I “got back on my feet” so quickly! Thank you Reiki!!!