Bone fracture healed too quickly? A dialogue.

Period: 24.05.2012
Area(s): Accidents / injuries

Question from a Reiki teacher: Do you have experience how Reiki works for broken bones? I initiated a woman at the beginning of August who had a serious accident on her foot – I don’t know the details, only that she had some fractures and got screws. She has undergone intensive treatment, but now the pain is more severe than it was then, and the doctor says the bones have grown together too quickly.

Unfortunately, the woman does not communicate with me but only with my parents. I indicated through them that perhaps it was time for a refresher or even a seminar and that she should call me with any further questions. But it did not.

Vögtli’s response:
Mischa and I have a lot of experience with this kind of thing – Mischa himself is our prime example including screws and plates.

In 1998 she broke her foot at 09.00 in the morning (in a closed ski boot!). She treated him alone until noon, then I also treated him until he was admitted to the hospital at 3:00 pm. Nobody believed that the foot was broken, because there was no swelling and little pain. The emergency room physician, Dr. Müller from Frankfurt, as he emphasized in the hospital in South Tyrol, came back from the X-ray, which was pure routine for him, because he already had the diagnosis of a slight sprain in his head, with a worried expression and shaking his head. “….so complicated the hernia!….no swelling…..and with the pain is it going? When did they say the hernia happened, this morning?” At that time it was about 16.00 and since 09.00 the foot was treated with Reiki – an extraordinary long time between accident and diagnosis. Consequence: one could operate immediately and mount said plate with screws. During the operation Mischa gave herself Reiki (she had an epidural) and I sent her Reiki during it (also such a nonsense that you often read that Reiki should not be sent during the operation – the consideration is completely contrary to the essence of Reiki, but quite true for certain “real” energy work). Misha’s healing, which was intensively accompanied with Reiki, was spectacular. For the doctor! Because for us it ran exactly as plants and animal experiments have shown: the healing took place 3-4 times faster than in comparable cases. (Mischa spent one (!) Night in the hospital and the chief physician personally examined this case, where the wound healing after the operation should have taken 3 days from the point of view of conventional medicine, but it was just after one day already advanced worthy of discharge. And the aftercare specialist said he had an x-ray of a woman half Mischa’s age in front of him when he allowed her to walk without canes after 3 weeks – a period that usually lasts at least twice as long for a 45-year-old (he didn’t need to know that Mischa had even walked without canes before, just as he didn’t need to know that she wasn’t taking painkillers). For us it was overwhelming but not spectacular, because we had already directly experienced something similar when our son broke his collarbone and had heard countless stories like that).

By “growing together too fast” is apparently meant that it could have been harmful, that if this hasty growing together had been brought about by Reiki, Reiki would have been harmful (by the way, how do they even know that the Reiki did not prevent an even faster growing together?). The essence of Reiki is to serve man for his highest good, that is, not to harm him in any way. The highest good is often something that, as you know, is outside our imagination. Reiki cannot be controlled, manipulated or directed with a purpose; it is outside of our influence, has an intelligence of its own, so to speak. These are findings that have been documented and tested in great numbers. Many Reiki people just don’t want to accept this and insist on having the thing under control and being able to control it. Therefore, they seem to ignore these Reiki characteristics and that makes it then answering quite easy and acceptable. This whole delusion that the truth (?!?) lies in the past and we have to refer to Dr. Usui almost dogmatically, who already recognized exactly this dilemma and expressed it by saying, freely interpreted, “it is not energy and therefore I put a Rei in front of it”, I feel as extremely questionable and have repeatedly addressed it. More and more, I see historical facts being dragged out to justify today’s most agreeable opinion in order to avoid the current challenge.

To “focus” on one of the many symptoms when giving Reiki is insanity. The opposite is the case: it is advisable to abandon any expectation as much as possible and trust Reiki to help where it is needed. It is important to emphasize that Reiki is outside of our “concentration”.