Pain after ski accident

Period: 23.02.2016 - 08.03.2016
Protocol entries: 3
Area(s): Back, Head / Brain / Coma, Infection / Poisoning, Pain

My daughter N. had a skiing accident on 26/01/2016, fall on her face during jump training, unconscious and abrasions on her face. She was flown to the Children’s Hospital in Lucerne by REGA. The abrasions healed quickly and she recovered well.

Now the headaches are worse again and she can’t go to school, the Gymi exams are coming up, so I ask for support through REIKI.

I am grateful for any help.


  • 23.02.2016
    Addendum: Pain in the back

    We just went to the doctor: with the spine in the upper back, N. has pain and an MRI was ordered. Then she has another infection that causes earaches and headaches.

  • 04.03.2016
    Good notice

    N. no longer has an infection, the headaches are gone, and the MRI showed that the spine and vertebrae are fine. The muscles around it are hardened and tense, this can be solved with physio. This is a very good decision and gives N. new strength.

    Many thanks for the good support.

  • 08.03.2016
    Thank you and closure

    Dear helper,

    thank you very much for your energy and time you spent for N.!

    N. continues to do very well, she is motivated to study for school and has no more complaints so far. For skiing, she needs to get back into it and gain confidence.

    I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart.