Cysts in baby’s brain

Period: 11.04.2022 - 05.05.2022
Protocol entries: 1
Area(s): Head / Brain / Coma, Neurology

The 3 week old baby girl was found to be “maybe physically, maybe mentally” handicapped or “maybe both”. 

This is what the family told me on 10 April 2020 at a Reiki seminar that came about, primarily because the mother and grandmother urgently wanted to treat the newborn.


  • 05.05.2022
    Cysts are gone

    The grandmother called today, full of gratitude and joy, because the examination revealed something amazing: “After barely a month, the X-rays no longer show any cysts!”


    The upper picture shows the brain after birth and the lower one is the new picture. Mother and grandmother treat the baby daily.

    It would be presumptuous now to jump to conclusions as a layman – but there is a first reason for joy.

    René Vögtli, 5 May 2022

    Baby brain at 7 weeks – no cysts