from a Reiki student: … two weeks ago I started to treat a dear friend (47, self-employed) before his surgery (cruciate ligament rupture). We have only had 3 sessions so far, he had two in the meantime with a Reiki Master. Reason was: he consumed last up to 7 beta blockers a day (the doctor’s recommendation was: not more than 2 daily because otherwise it can lead to death!!!).
Already during the 1st treatment he was very receptive to Reiki. His heart rumbled, his left arm hurt and fell asleep. During the last treatment his arm pain was so bad that we had to stop. I paused for a few seconds, then resumed and his pain was immediately back (“as if you had put the plug back in”), along with his heart “rumbling” frantically and irregularly. It soon passed. In his arm he got the feeling as if new blood was flowing in. Within the last 2 weeks, instead of his 3-7 beta blockers daily, he consumed only about 4 -5 in the whole period. I am surprised, but: the heart is the engine of life, it is not a matter of a fingertip; can I do something “wrong”? What, if anything, should I pay attention to in his treatment? Under no circumstances do I want him to have a heart attack because of my treatment – he has already had two. Should I perhaps stop the treatment when he is writhing in pain? I had left it up to him and felt that nothing would happen. But isn’t that reckless? Answer: Apart from experience and self-confidence, it makes little difference whether you or a Reiki Master treats. To put it casually: you can do it just as well. But if you are insecure and afraid of healing symptoms (first worsening), then give someone else the lead.
If it is right for you and the other person, then it is acceptable to continue through the pain. If it becomes too much for him or you, do it exactly as you did. Reiki-technically, you can’t do “too much” Reiki. Stopping treatment early is not reckless, because you also need to take care of your needs.
Beta-blocker “consumption” is frightening! It is good that he confides in you and obviously strives to reduce this “consumption”. You must urgently and persistently advise him to consult a doctor. The reduction of drug abuse must also take place under medical supervision – even if the “consumption” was completed independently without consulting the doctor.
First worsening is known and in itself a “good” phenomenon. Heart attack or even worse death of a person are generally not included in this topic. Philosophically, one could -but a situation as you describe it is neither the place nor the time to philosophize. One thing we can observe again and again: Healing crises appear with Reiki only for the highest good of all involved, i.e. not only when it serves the one receiving Reiki, but also only when a person giving Reiki is ready to experience it himself.
There is nothing special you should pay attention to. Proceed as you have done so far and learned in the seminar, listen to your inner voice (allow intuitive and spontaneous change of position or interruption) and of course listen to what the person says. In your case, he has clearly stated that it is good for him despite the pain and that he would like to be touched by you with Reiki.