Conventional doctors at a loss after asthma / allergy tests

Period: 19.05.2012
Area(s): Immune system / thyroid gland

A mother reports on her 7-year-old son:

“Three months ago, my son had an appointment at the hospital in Aarau to have a lung test. Severe asthma was confirmed.
About two weeks later, an appointment was due to do various allergy tests. I gave him a heart initiation before the first appointment and again in the time in between.
The allergy test could not be utilized. A blood test had to be done to get more accurate information.
So we got a new appointment in six weeks. In the meantime, he received Reiki permanently.
The third appointment started exactly the same as the first: pulmonary function and allergy testing.
The attending physician was astonished when I explained to him that I would give my son only one medication and this only in a weakened form. (X. reacted to the high dosage with nervousness and more coughing). When I mentioned that he had been playing soccer regularly for about six weeks, the doctor apologized and said he would have to discuss it with the senior physician.
After ten minutes, both doctors came into the room.
X.’s medical history could not be explained medically, whether he had been ill at the first appointment.
In response to my denial, the senior physician just shook his head and said again that it could not be explained. In the first lung test X. would have indicated severe asthma and now in the second test nothing at all. The allergy test with the blood also did not give any results and the one today did not show any reaction either. Medically, the boy is absolutely healthy.
After I explained why this could be, the doctor said: and that’s all, just touching with your hands.
After I confirmed this, everything went very quickly, I had the feeling the doctors were uncomfortable with the situation and within a few minutes they were both out of the room. Nevertheless, it was important for me to tell these capacities about Reiki as well. If no one ever does it, they will never hear about it. And has also none of the two reacted big, so there is perhaps in retrospect once a thought about it.
Although I had the findings in black and white in my hand and I know exactly that everything is possible with Reiki, as a Reiki practitioner I also had the thought: Esch ächt das wörkli wohr? (Do you think this is really true?)
I am grateful for my Reiki and my knowledge and my very special thanks also go to Mischa and Rene. Thanks to your sharing of all things, I have come this far. It is very important to have such people otherwise Reiki would never reach a wide public.