My thyroid nodules

Period: 21.05.2000 - 03.01.2018
Protocol entries: 4
Area(s): Immune system / thyroid gland

(From a man born in 1965 and raised in the former East Germany).

The thyroid gland needs iodine, which it converts into hormones to control vital processes in the body. If it is too weak for any reason, it tries to absorb more iodine by enlarging to the point of forming nodules. It takes what it can find, unfortunately including radioactive iodine, a byproduct of nuclear fission, an unhealthy isotope with a long half-life. That’s why emergency iodine tablets are available in Switzerland, which supply iodine en masse and can thus block harmful isotopes. In the German Democratic Republic, unfortunately, such tablets were not distributed to the population at that time, and 1 year after the Chernobyl reactor disaster in Ukraine, two family members and myself were diagnosed with hot nodes. My relatives soon found a surgeon who relieved them of the lump by means of surgery. Discharged cured?Scintigram

I had more luck. During a stay in Moscow I found a special endocrinologist in Mrs. Alla Petrovna Genke. She gave me iodine and thyroid hormones in high doses in 1987-1992 and 2x additionally an antibiotic (prednisolone), because besides hypofunction and hormone deficiency a biopsy indicated thyroiditis. Subsequently, the hormone levels normalized. The nodule shrank from 2×3 cm to 1cm, a kind of “scar”, as it was called, that was to remain forever. Since 1997, the thyroid function was classified as “euthyroid” or normal. A new stable condition had been established under constant medication, which was confirmed annually. The “scar” remained unchanged in size as predicted.

In 2000 I moved from Germany to Switzerland and had the Reiki 1 seminar in May.


  • 30.06.2003
    No knots, still fear

    LetterThen came the check-up in 2003, and the doctor suddenly could not find any lump. He did not know Reiki. He didn’t care either. “The main thing is to get rid of the knot.”

    3 years with Reiki, and I no longer understood the world! I saw myself in conflict as I deserved the finding. I had “only” treated the 12 basic positions with the Reiki beginner’s degree and actually felt nothing at all regarding the thyroid gland! The doubts and fear that the doctor might have been mistaken, that the device was broken, remained until …

    There are 18 years between these two documents, but only the last 5 years were with Reiki.


  • 09.06.2005

    … until the examination in 2005, see findings. Now I can accept from my own experience that Reiki goes to the cause, which “thank God” I don’t need to know about.

  • 30.06.2008
    Key experience

    I have not needed thyroid medication since 2008 and my blood values are all within the normal range. The volume – the size needed to perform the function – has decreased from an initial 20 ml to 9 ml. Up to 18 ml in women and up to 25 ml in men are considered normal.

    My relatives had less good results after surgery. During her surgeries, some healthy tissue had to be removed along with the nodules, meaning the thyroid gland had even more difficulty performing its function. New nodes have formed in both relatives. My reference to Reiki was not given any interest. In the truest sense of the word, this is probably “unheard of.”

    My key experience: the thyroid nodule disappeared with Reiki and the function normalized.

  • 03.01.2018
    add to the archive!

    By René Vögtli:
    In the meantime, A. is a Reiki Master himself. After publication of this archive he complained: “I miss my thyroid history 🙂 !”. It is hereby made up for.