Burnout syndrome

Period: 20.05.2012
Area(s): Stress

Y. reports:

… Before Reiki, the tension between a very strong commitment to work, family, sports and my own interests put me in a strong imbalance. In particular, the very heavy demands of my job and the need to not neglect my family despite the heavy workload tugged at me in opposite directions and threatened to tear me apart. I always felt I didn’t have enough “time”. In this situation, my personal dissatisfaction grew a lot, and problems (in almost all areas of life) appeared more and more. At the height of this predicament, I attended the first Reiki seminar with Sabine.

With Reiki, more balance and serenity entered my life, and the tensions decreased noticeably, so that my personal well-being improved greatly. Due to the increased power, vitality and intuition, even qualitatively better results could be achieved with “less time” than before Reiki, which amazed me very much. With a slightly reduced workload but increased output, there was more time and energy left over for my family. The source of this higher quality of life, the daily one-hour self-treatment with Reiki, has become very important to me. It means for me my own personal “island of time” – an hour a day for myself, would have been unthinkable before Reiki.

With Reiki, there has indeed been considerable personal growth on many levels and my life, and that of my family, has been enriched by so many positive elements that I have now developed a deep relationship with Reiki.