My connection to Reiki – from 9 to 28

Period: 01.04.1997 - 21.11.2016
Protocol entries: 5
Area(s): Operation, Stress

In 1997 it all started when my mother was at a Reiki seminar and came home totally enthusiastic. In fact, she was so excited about our first experience with Reiki that she enrolled my sister and me in a children’s seminar. I was 9 years old.

As a kid, I didn’t understand that much about what was coming. For us kids, however, it was optimal that Mischa could give the seminar at our home and we were a small group in a trusted environment. I can only remember individual situations, but I knew it was something “good”.

How exactly it worked I did not understand, but I made my own experiences with Reiki. Whenever there were small injuries like scraped up wounds or cuts from playing and crafting I noticed that the hand on the wound caused a strong pulsation and the healing progressed better. When I was sick, I always did the whole body treatment. I must confess, I only used Reiki when I was not feeling well – of course why else would you do something for your health.


  • 30.06.2007
    Seriousness of life

    As the years went by and I became a young lady, I myself also entered the professional world as a commercial clerk. My free time became more and more scarce and the days more and more hectic. So I paid relatively little attention to Reiki. But one thing always remained with me! As soon as I sat on the sofa or took a resting position, my hands were on my stomach. I knew it was just good for me to feel the warmth. Of course, I have to admit that if I didn’t have any problems with my digestion, I probably wouldn’t have paid so much attention to it.

    As most of us humans are so tick, we often listen to our body rather late, if at all. I have had many complaints, but they have always been within the “bounds”. I took a remedy here, drank a tea there and quickly went to bioresonance there – and that for years. There was simply not enough time during work and continuing education; and when I did have free time, I wanted to enjoy it and not burden it with health. For this reason, I was also very happy that my mother had attended the Reiki II seminar years before. She worked with it a lot and had positive experiences.

    I didn’t understand how it worked then either, but I always had the attitude to try everything that could be useful. Therefore, my mother always supported me very sweetly in difficult situations like with the healing of my appendectomy, my knee surgery or during important exams and learning phases. It gave me a foothold to know that she was standing by me with Reiki. She told me several times that I should also attend the seminar. However, I didn’t want to hear any of that because I just didn’t have an open ear for anything else I could do.

  • 30.06.2016
    Interim goal achieved

    This year, at the age of 28, I completed my continuing education career from commercial clerk to state-certified expert. It’s a nice feeling to know you’re at a level where you can’t do anything more, you’ve accomplished everything. Also, knowing one has secured yet another door for possible job prospects in an existing executive position. But also on a private level, I was overjoyed to be able to say that a new phase of my life is beginning, with more free time – time for myself and fewer duties – more flexibility. At first, I was totally relieved to have successfully completed the exams (in Reiki II- accompanied by my mother).

  • 25.09.2016
    Rude awakening

    But then I realized that I was not doing so well mentally. I had a hard time with the new situation, so completely without a further education goal. In addition to the mental low, it also came to the point that my physical complaints became more severe. I realized it was now time to listen to my body. All the years since school, I have always worked single-mindedly towards something – the first apprenticeship, the completion of training, various further training courses, development at work as well as personal development. It was exhausting. I often asked myself why it was so exhausting, because life can be so beautiful. I kept treating myself to goodies with great vacations, relaxing weekends, shopping or nice leisure sessions with my friends and family, but it was obviously not enough to regenerate my body and soul. I found that I was asking too much of myself and being too hard on myself. My body and mind always delivered and when times didn’t, there was Reiki, bioresonance sessions or herbal remedies and teas that helped. As the saying goes, the symptoms were always treated somewhat, but the cause only ever pushed away. After all, there was no time to change anything about the stress (mental and physical). One simply worked.

  • 23.10.2016

    Now so arrived at my new stage of life, I realize it was NOW the time to deal with the cause. I knew these were partly behavioral patterns that were difficult to shed – I knew I needed support! And so I paid attention to my mother’s program note with the upcoming Reiki seminars. I signed up with Mischa and René to attend the Reiki I seminar, as a refresher from my children’s seminar a good 19 years ago with the intention of working towards the Reiki II seminar. It was a great meeting with Misha, according to child memory, in the Reiki I seminar. It was moving and opened my eyes that I am on the right path. I could hardly wait until the Reiki II seminar took place. Once again, it was a very wonderful experience. We were a very small group and so there was plenty of time for questions. We were able to work together in depth on certain causes of problems, which was very emotional.

    Now for a good 4 weeks I have the Reiki II itself. I am still enthusiastic. It helps me to work with the affirmations on certain issues that are bothering me. It gives me confidence to change and get to the core (cause) of my ailments and work there. It’s clear I can’t expect a 180 degree turnaround overnight. Since I have not listened to what my body wanted to tell me for so long, I must now also be patient. However, I have already experienced some success. For example, cooperation and communication with various people has improved. And funny enough, with building confidence in everything and that certain things will work themselves out, I had to smile a few times now when I realized that things have actually been working themselves out lately… More often than not! I am therefore grateful that I can now support certain situations with Reiki II in a positive sense.

  • 21.11.2016
    Look into the future

    I still have so many things planned. Next year we will travel a bit and in the near future we might start planning a family, who knows. As it comes, it comes well – I trust in that.