Bladder Cancer

Period: 24.08.2014 - 08.09.2014
Protocol entries: 4
Area(s): Cancer, Operation, Stress

7 years ago N. B. had bladder cancer and was successfully operated. No cancer has been found for 7 years, however last week during a checkup, cancer of the bladder was found again. A new surgery is planned.

Thursday, August 28, the examinations will be conducted again and a more accurate diagnosis is hoped for.


  • 29.08.2014
    Good news

    Dear supporters of the Reiki Emergency Chain,
    This morning I received the following email from N. B., which I would like to share with you:

    “Dear S.,
    there is good, very very good news!
    Endoscopic examination in Bristol yesterday showed that no problems seem visible with my bladder. The specialist said it takes a lot of experience to make a correct diagnosis with an artificial bladder (which is very different than a natural bladder with a lot more deformities on the inner skin, etc).
    This is a great relief for me, as you can imagine. Thank you for your support during this time. I am very grateful.
    With kind regards
    N. B.”

    In conversation with N. I heard today that it would be very helpful to continue sending him Reiki for a few more days. I will be in touch with him (sending him Reiki every day) and let you know how to proceed, is that ok?

  • 03.09.2014

    Dear Reiki friends,
    I spoke with Venerable N. again today. He has been given an appointment for a CT scan for next week from the 1st hospital that gave him the misdiagnosis. Despite the risk of radiation, he will probably accept the appointment. Emotionally, however, the whole thing is still not “calmed down” with him.
    Therefore, N. would be happy if Reiki could still be sent to him until the originally planned date of September 7. He is very grateful to all of you, but does not want to be an unnecessary burden.
    To all of you also from me my deep appreciation! When I send N. Reiki every day, he often falls asleep while doing it.
    Best wishes

  • 07.09.2014
    Deep gratitude

    In the exchange with my friend, I felt how he became more and more emotionally relaxed and free during the days.
    Here is a (rough) translation of the message from N. B.:

    Dear René and all who sent me Reiki,
    I would like to express my deep heartfelt gratitude to all of you who sent me Reiki.

    It was a very challenging time for me and your support was timely and helpful. I have to admit that I am not a very sensitive person about this kind of treatment and I cannot say exactly what happened on the physical and other levels. But the simple fact that you did it kindly meant a lot to me. During the difficult time, the stress that the heart endured must have been much greater than I consciously experienced on the surface.

    When the later examination revealed that there was nothing serious, it brought me a great relief, as you can imagine. However, the recovery from the earlier state of shock took some time. So your continued support was certainly useful for the rest of the time.

    Again, thank you for your support during this time. I am deeply grateful.
    May you continue to help the world through goodness and benevolent forces.
    N. B.

  • 08.09.2014
    Thank you and closure

    Dear Helpers,

    thank you very much for taking care of N..

    The feedback yesterday should encourage us to support future cases with Reiki.

    All love.