R. crashed his bike last weekend. She is currently in the University Hospital in Zurich. R. fractured both jaw cartilages above as well as the lower jaw several times. A part of the laryngeal cartilage has broken off. Likewise, the vocal cords were also damaged and two hematomas formed in the trachea. Because of the swelling, R. could not be operated on yet. This will be done today or tomorrow. To date, R. the teeth were wired bottom and top.
R. is a little afraid of the surgery and what’s in store for her. At the moment she can only communicate in writing and take food in liquid form with a tube. Nevertheless, I notice that she is motivated and when I informed her about Reiki, she immediately gratefully accepted. Thank you in advance for your support and I’ll be in touch. Greetings Manuela
After surgery at homeR. underwent surgery a week ago and could be discharged home as early as Tuesday. Now she has to go to Zurich three times a week for a check-up. The mouth will probably remain wired shut until Wednesday, after which it will be fixed with Gümmeli. Great, then the meals are already more versatile, namely instead of juices there is porridge! A change, after all.
Greetings to all Reikians,
Namaste -
On the road to recoveryR. is slowly getting better, she feels very tired. Yesterday I gave her a Reiki treatment at home and on Monday I am going to her again for a treatment and heart initiation.
Two days ago, R. was in Zurich to have the wires in her mouth removed and replaced with Gümmeli. She was looking forward to it and already cooked herself a rice pudding. The disappointment was great, she still does not open her mouth and continues to feed on juices. She also shared with me how disappointed she was with the doctor(s). No time to ask questions, feeling left to your own devices. Also the quick discharge from the hospital, because even now she feels nausea and yes she can not open her mouth.
We ask for extension of Reiki sending and wish you a light-filled time!
Love greetings