My husband’s nephew, S., is 14 years old and had a lot of warts on his hands, as well as in the palms. The warts weighed heavily on him because no girl wanted to dance with him at the dance school. The dance teacher was even required to wear white gloves at the ball, and it was explained why this was the case. Many alternative healing methods did not result in any improvement until the attempt was made with Reiki.
without gloves to the danceS. was willing to treat himself regularly with Reiki for one hour a day. I first gave him a heart initiation so that he would have Reiki in his hands for about 2 to 3 months to do his self-treatment. Afterwards I treated him holistically for an hour over all 12 body positions and then explained his self-treatment in detail.
Unfortunately, S. lives about 100 km away from me, so 3 holistic treatments in a row were not possible. But I made a concept for him to send Reiki to the cause of his warts. His mother also received a heart initiation and a subsequent Reiki treatment, with the request to additionally treat his hands directly every day. They went home and we continued to keep in touch by phone, but we had no expectations of curing S. warts.
10 weeks later, S’s concept fell into my hands again, and just as I was considering whether I would still need it, his mother called me to say that the warts were gone. She is overjoyed; S. of course anyway, and I am very grateful that I was finally able to experience this great “Reiki miracle” on the physical level.