Psoriasis (psoriasis) –

Period: 19.05.2012
Area(s): Skin

from a student, 20y. The experience she had here was so impressive to her that she subsequently attended the Reiki I seminar in March.

Towards the end of last year I found myself in a kind of crisis of self-discovery, because my attitude to life at the time was blocking me, I had not come to terms with my past and at the same time I was unable to envision a future. I felt completely disoriented.
Then, in mid-December, the psoriasis became noticeable with reddish discoloration on the face, and within a week the rash spread over the entire body, affecting the arms and legs particularly severely. My well-being was additionally impaired by this: I literally did not feel comfortable in my skin.
The dermatologist diagnosed a vitamin D deficiency and based on that I started light therapy, but its success was moderate.
When I received the heart initiation from Mischa Vögtli in January, I had little knowledge about Reiki, but the results convinced me immediately and speak for themselves. Already the next morning I could see a clear improvement and in the meantime there is almost nothing left of the skin disease. I also stopped the light therapy before the initiation.
Since then I have been treating myself regularly and feel much more balanced. Reiki is so valuable for me mainly because it gives me the power to recognize and use my potential.