Daughter on the edge

Period: 28.08.2011 - 19.09.2011
Protocol entries: 2
Area(s): Depression, Psyche, Stress

S., the daughter, cares for parents, is a single mother (2 children) and working. Father is in severe care (s. 75 year old in intensive care).
S.’s strength is fading: “I am exhausted, my head is blown away … slipping into a real depression … sincerely ask for help.”


  • 04.09.2011
    Better on it

    S. : “I am in a better mood, stronger. I felt that from one day to the next.” S. is grateful for the support.

  • 19.09.2011
    Demanded, but not an emergency

    S. is still challenged, but does not extend the emergency chain at this time (her father is doing properly and that at least takes the pressure off that corner).

    I see S. later this week in Weimar and offer her help on the spot.