My daily program:
– 5 Rules of Life of Usui
– Almost every day self-treatment at least 1 hour
– Mental training almost every day – LM
– In between again and again self initiations (3A technique)
Beginning Dec. In 2007, I went to my gynecologist for cancer screening on a regular basis. In the preliminary interview, he asked me how I was doing and I told him it couldn’t be better. I raved about my almost 13 years of Reiki experience (we had talked about this several times), that blockages in the body dissolve and some more. Then he said, let’s have a look then. He looked and found a finding in the ovary.
Now I fell off the stool for the first time!
My dear Reiki friends, I then spoke to Susanne our Reiki Master and she called you all and from that moment on you all pampered and treated me. You formed a Reiki chain so that I was treated by you around the clock – day and night. You have given me an indescribable peace and security, for which I am grateful to you all.
I always felt that you were with me. I was never alone.
If I cry today, it is out of gratitude, because Reiki is the most beautiful thing there is for me.
When I spoke with Susanne and she told me she doubted Reiki, I told her what a successful and wonderful Reiki Master she is. Everything has a meaning, certainly also my illness and someday I and all of us will recognize the meaning.
OperationThe next steps were then CT and a huge surgery.
Whether before or after surgery – I HAVE NEVER WATCHED REIKI!
After the operation I treated myself day and night, I did not get to read.
The doctors and nurses were amazed at how fit I was after only 5 days with my huge abdominal incision. I didn’t need any more help from the nurses, rather I jumped out of bed. The scar healed without any redness or moisture.
Then I met Sister Anne. She was also quite thrilled with my condition and asked me, “How do they do it?”
When I told her about Reiki she was even more enthusiastic, because half a year ago she had received the initiations from a Reiki Master. Now she treats herself and her children.
We could have talked for hours, but she had to work and so I asked her if I could give her a heart initiation. She said she had never received such a beautiful gift.
I was allowed to give her the heart initiation.
She took me in her arms and told me I was very special, which I told her I was, because otherwise we wouldn’t have met.
Now the sisters knew why I recovered so well and I was allowed to give a heart initiation to three more sisters, who then treated themselves and were very, very grateful.
Chemo well survivedThe next step is chemo – treatment for 18 weeks. I received the first one in mid-January and have come through it very, very well, with your help, with no side effects.
- My husband and I are much more loving with each other.
- I am lovingly nurtured and cared for by him all around.
- I am now the most important person in my life.
- Energy suckers, for whom I was always the garbage can, I told them that I would no longer absorb foreign stress if nothing changed or was not reflected.
- I can’t get upset about little things anymore, because there are more important things in life!
Now I have had my fourth chemo treatment and so far I have survived them all without any major side effects. I am just fine!
I take you ALL firmly in my arms and thank you for your unconditional love!
unusual but impressive picturesIt may be unusual to see pictures like this one, but I have no problem with it because I want to show you how wonderfully Reiki has worked.
The picture on the left shows my scar 6 weeks after surgery and the one on the right 2 years later.
Many of you have treated me remotely with Reiki II techniques before, during and after surgery not only for days but for weeks and months. In addition, I then started using the special scar treatment (Reiki II technique) every day for 1 year. Even today I use this technique again and again.
The scar has no bumps at all and I have no sensitivities or weather sensitivity at all.The photos are a testament to what we have all created together with Reiki.
Thank you all – again and again – for your loving care. I also do not want to forget the doctors who did a perfect job.
Reiki has given me infinite gratitude and deep trust in God.
Thank you!!!!!!