My granddaughter (14 years old) has been undergoing inpatient treatment at the Minden Clinic in North Rhine-Westphalia for 1 week. She has lost about 15 kg since April and is almost unable to eat. As her heartbeat is sometimes below 30/min, her condition is life-threatening. She also suffers from depression. She regularly receives Reiki distance treatments from me. I am very grateful for your support.
Her parents agree with the Reiki emergency chain and are grateful for any help.
Slight improvementFirst of all, thank you very much for your support!
L. is making small progress and is now able to eat light food in addition to tube feeds. Her mood has brightened considerably and she can even laugh again. We are sure that “Reiki” has contributed a lot to this. That is why we continue to ask for your support, as she still has a long and difficult road ahead of her.
Therapy place in the day clinicDear Reiki friends,
After three weeks in hospital, L. has been receiving therapy in a day clinic for three days. She likes it very much there, but unfortunately she is not fully compliant and still has difficulties keeping her weight down. Bei einer weiteren Gewichtsabnahme muss sie wieder stationär behandelt werden. Daher würden wir uns sehr über Eure weitere Reiki-Unterstützung freuen.