A French Reiki school interviews René Vögtli: it becomes a personal trip into the past, an overview of the global Reiki community and an exploration of how Reiki serves reconciliation in relationships.
“Passionate, eloquent and with magical moments.” (Feedback)
Mischa and I have been moving internationally for years, in fact always. From time to time I am invited by professional associations to their annual congresses and the like. In particular, my efforts in favour of reconciliation in the Reiki community have led to me being described at an online congress as ‘one of the best-networked Reiki Masters in the world’.
The Talkshow RTalk – where I usually ask the questions – also adds to my visibility and so Gauthier Papp from L’école de Reiki Intégrative turned the tables, so to speak, and asked me for an interview. At this point I would like to share the video with you, because it shows the latest state of affairs, is hopefully entertaining and – above all – calls the value of Reiki in daily life once more into consciousness.
You can go directly to the corresponding chapter: click on the corresponding time below. Enjoy!
0:00 Gauthier introduces René.
2:01 How did you come to Reiki, why did you decide to follow the Reiki path?
5:06 Does Reiki have other purposes than healing? Is Reiki only a healing technique or does it have another meaning?
7:27 Why are there so many Reiki lines? Why is there so much diversity in the Reiki community with so many different Reiki practices?
15:46 How can all Reiki practitioners be reconciled? How can we reconcile in the Reiki community?
22:22 The most important aspect of Reiki is …? What is the most important aspect of Reiki, from your point of view?
24:38 How can we use Reiki to heal our relationships? What tool can we use to bring peace into our relationship?
33:05 What is the purpose of Reiki Conciliation?
36:44 Many people say that Reiki is love. What do you think of that?
YouTube Channels
Reiki-International https://www.youtube.com/@REIKIinternational
Reiki-Concilliation / reikiconciliation
Gauthier Papp L’école de Reiki Intégrative / @lecoledereiki
by lafer.cc