Doctor encourages patients and hospital staff to handle Reiki transparently. Thus authorities and medical faculties can recognize the need for and the effect of Reiki. The following case history illustrates how caregivers, patients and relatives can contribute to that.
Keyword : hospital
Cooperation: Reiki in the Health Care System
A group of Swiss gain experience in the public hospital (Unfallkrankenhaus – UKB) in Berlin. They intend to introduce Reiki in the public health system and in enterprises in Switzerland. An international cooperation with broad support (see credentials). Click for this 5 minute YouTube summary or the 15 minute documentary. English subtitles.
Presentation of Reiki and science at the Berlin hospital
During her internship at the public hospital (Unfallkrankenhaus – UKB) Claudia Möri gave a talk to the hospitals staff presenting the latest insights on “Reiki and Science”. See the YouTube video documentation.
Clinical research – Reiki and breast cancer
In June 2015 a study to research the effectiveness of Reiki in breast cancer patients starts. The professional associations ProReiki conducts the series with the help of experienced practitioners. The results will be published in peer reviewed scientific journals.