As a side product of the otherwise astonishing unfolding of Reiki in only 35 years, dissonances occurred between some of the Reiki styles and their representatives. Witnesses of the time are still alive today. Pardon, forgiving, reconciliation … central themes of a video-documentation.
Continue reading “Reconciliation in the Reiki world – a chance!”
On YouTube there is – since 2009 – a video with a nicely put together collection of photos. It is interesting still today for all who are interested in Reiki.
In 1992 in Hong Kong for the first time and just recently in Weimar. 6004 people from all of life’s situations, religions, professions and social backgrounds have acquired Reiki. Our 6000th client is Anke Thieme. She embodies our activity over the last 23 years in a wonderful way. Read her story here:
Continue reading “6000 Reiki-Students – a celebration”
…the need for openness towards all styles. In her interview Phyllis L. Furumoto calls upon global community to clean up its act and to work on a sustainable praxis. A necessity to gain social and professional recognition. This YouTube Video shows excerpts with English subtitles. Dr David Bolius conducted the conversation.