Frequently Asked Questions about Sikinos and our Reiki services


Click on the picture to open the map

For your orientation, here is an interactive map. You can also simply click on the image.

Sikinos has no airport. Access to the island is solely by ferry. Either directly from the mainland (blue) or from a neighboring island (red and green).

The main airport in Greece is in Athens. The main port in Athens is called Piraeus and can be reached by bus, metro, or taxi (about one hour). Our recommendation: take the bus.

(There are two other alternative ports, Lavrio and Rafina, which are not mentioned further here.)

In the summer, there are fast ferries that take about 6 hours from Piraeus to Sikinos. The year-round ferries can take up to 12 hours depending on the route. They meander from island to island and are also cheaper. (Ideal for ‘Island-Hopping’, you will find the most important names in the vicinity of Sikinos on the map. More in ‘Ferries’ below.)

Santorini and Naxos are the nearest islands with airports and with ferry connections to Sikinos. They can be flown to directly from Europe. The crossing takes 1 ½, respectively 2 ½ hours.

From all airports to any accommodation and to the port, there are buses and taxis. Some distances can also be comfortably walked. In and around Athens, the metro is recommended.

Often the journey requires an overnight stay before the ferry departure. Some of our guests use this to experience something touristically. Some enjoy the big city (Athens/Piraeus) and others prefer the beach and island life. For every choice, Mischa and I have recommendations, as we have traveled all routes ourselves.

Our tip: In 2024 we are flying directly to Naxos, spend a nice day there and then take the ferry to Sikinos at our leisure. Feel free to do the same. By then, we’ll have scouted it out for you.

Costs of Arrival

Bus ticket sales at Athens Airport

We cannot comment the costs to get to Greece in detail. Planning early helps to minimize expenses. Flights from Germany are often cheaper than from Zurich.

The airport bus to Piraeus costs €8, the taxi €50, and the train €9.

Accommodation in Athens or on tourist islands (like Santorini) is usually more expensive than in Sikinos. With a little insider knowledge though, one can still find affordable options (e.g., we often book for our guests at the Hotel Faros 1 in Piraeus, €50-60; from which you can actually walk to the ferry). If you want to explore Athens, you’ll usually use the metro: €4.20 for a day pass.

On the tourist islands themselves, it becomes difficult to find something affordable during the high summer season, and you should expect to pay €60 to €100.

Our tip: the cheapest option is booking a flight to Athens early; expenses via Piraeus are the lowest.


A typical ferry docking at Sikinos

The ferries are generally reliable – but the wind can sometimes disrupt plans. If it blows too strongly, the ferries seek the safety of the nearest port and are then delayed accordingly. Therefore, it is advisable not to travel under a tight schedule.

In the summer, the swell is usually not strong, so even the longer routes are mostly tolerable. The travel time can be shorter or longer, depending on the route and departure port (see ‘Arrival’ above).

The ferry schedules for the summer have not yet been published; however, experience from recent years shows that usually, there is a relatively fast ferry going back and forth on Sundays.

Tickets can nowadays be bought online or at the port – but not on the ferry itself. Mischa and I can also help you with this according to your needs.

Our tip: This helpful website not only shows departure and arrival times but also the respective routes:

‘Online’ Travel Assistance

on the road again …

This may sound like a big claim, but experience has shown that from Sikinos via mobile phone, we have been able to solve the occasional unforeseen problem our guests encounter during their journey.

With good planning, which we are happy to assist with, nothing serious usually happens – but amusing incidents are always possible, 😎. Our knowledge of language and customs combined with our improvisational skills ensure that even inexperienced travelers arrive safely at their destination.

Our recommendation: Connect with Mischa (mobile phone, WhatsApp) before your trip.

In Sikinos

Mischa and I pick up our guests at the port and look after them outside the seminar, too. That is, we take them to the bus and to the accommodation we have organized for them, show them the village and all the localities, go hiking and swimming with them – if they wish. We assist with shopping or in restaurants when the locals’ language skills are not sufficient.

In other words: on the island, we are there to help with all questions.

Village, Port, and Accommodation

“Sikinos” refers to both the island and the village. The modern settlement at the port is called “Alopronia”. The distance between the village and the port is 3.5 KM, and the altitude difference is 270 meters. About 200 people live permanently on the island, most of them in Kastro.  

The village is twofold: The main part with restaurants and shops is the section called “Kastro” (Fortress). The other part is UNESCO protected and is called “Chorio” (hamlet). We live there, and this is where we mostly accommodate our guests.

The two parts of the village are connected by a stone path with steps, a distance of three to four minutes. 

The accommodation usually consists of a kind of studio with a refrigerator, sitting area and cooking facilities. And with a balcony with a beautiful view. 

If our guests want to stay at the beach near the port (e.g., with children), that is of course also possible. Costs: up to about €80 per night. This is available in a room, studio, or even in the only small hotel on the island.

Our recommendation: stay in the quiet part of the village, Chorio.

The Seminar…

Mischa giving an outdoor treatment

…mostly takes place at our house, or outside under the pergola. Depending on who is teaching, either Mischa or René handles the fringe program.

Some elements of the seminar are experienced together in the great outdoors. We consider each other’s needs and the situation prevailing at the time, such as the weather, i.e., the heat. The weather is always nice in the summer.

Price: See ‘Seminar Costs’ above. Or go directly to reiki-intensive-seminars.

Beyond the Seminar…

René in one of the coves

carefreeness and freedom should primarily reign. 

You can hike – the paths are short or long. You can swim – there are hardly any sandy beaches and the rocky coves are ‘secret’. At the dance on the village square you can join in, or partake in the quiet solitude just a stone’s throw away. The ouzo is liquerish, the honey sweet. You can try them. Not delving into the mystique of Sikinos is possible… But then you might as well stay home.

There is also a very special attraction, an ancient Roman mausoleum, the “Acropolis of the Cyclades” (quote from the mayor during the reception of the Cultural Heritage Award). You can visit it, on foot or by bus

Our recommendation: “can”!

The Island…

Hikers on their path

…is barren, dry, and mostly uninhabited. And it is mystical. Time seems to have a quality of tis own here, to flow differently. You feel yourself living more intensely in a special way.

Today, Sikinos has a port and roads, electricity, and sewage. These are new achievements that Mischa and I have been fortunate to witness since 1988.

Over the centuries, the Cycladic islands have been repeatedly raided by pirates. Therefore, the settlements are built on the hills for protection. This is also true for the village of Sikinos and the monastery “life-giving spring” above the village.

Sikinos has no significant water source, which has significantly contributed to it being one of the poorest islands in the vicinity. This has also kept tourist development in check.

Thousands of kilometers of dry stone walls adorn the island and there are over 60 churches, some in the most remote corners.

Below the picturesque village lies the port. In winter, hardly a dozen people live there. In summer, there is more activity, as in the last 30 years, some Greeks have built summer houses.

Surprisingly for such a small island, Sikinos has a large cultural offering in July and August (concerts, open-air cinema, dance).

The sea is the main actor and attraction. It surrounds the island, is in the air, and invites you to swim. Even the uninhabited hiking trails have their charm. René knows the coast and every path. He is happy to share his coves and ravines with our guests – or to show the way if they want to explore on their own.

Our recommendation: Bring sunscreen (hat), good footwear, windbreaker (it can cool down in the evening) from home.

Shopping and Prices

Moderne Interpretation eines Kykladenidols

Groceries can be bought in supermarkets at the port and in the village. There is also a bakery.

You can eat and drink in various restaurants, cafés, and bars, all of which are open in the summer.

Local honey, olive oil, and wine are often purchased not only for consumption on site but also as souvenirs for home.

The prices for meals are not particularly cheap… except for wine. It must be considered that everything has to be imported to the island by ferry. As a rule of thumb, you can compare the prices with those in Germany, thus cheaper than in Switzerland.

There are a few souvenirs – occasionally even beautiful ceramics. Proper ‘shopping’ can only be done on neighboring islands and in Athens.

Nowadays, you can buy sunscreen or cosmetics on the island. However, generally, we recommend bringing personal utensils and care products from home.

Duration of Stay and Expenses Around the Island

Sehen wir uns im Sommer 2024?

To fully experience the tranquility and charm of the island, we recommend a stay of one week in total (including the days of the seminar).

Our note: Or longer!

Room: 45-50 euros per night

Ferries: From Athens’ port (Piraeus) to Sikinos: €50 to €80 depending on the (speed) ferry, €120 for a cabin.
From Naxos or Santorini to Sikinos: €7, or €11.

Meals : you should expect to spend at least €30 per day.

Bus/Taxi: There is a bus (€2) and taxi (€7) on Sikinos. These are usually only needed upon arrival/departure – otherwise, we are on foot.

Our estimate: For €700, you should be able to reach the island, return (from and to Piraeus), and spend 7 days on Sikinos.

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