Terminal cancer – self-surrender

Period: 08.12.2015 - 22.12.2015
Protocol entries: 2
Area(s): Cancer, Psyche, Weakness

A. N. was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago. There were some ups and downs. For some time he has not been well at all, he is in extreme pain. A few days ago there were already fears that he would not wake up, was hardly responsive, is physically and mentally very weak and yesterday (07.12.) expressed to a friend that he can no longer.

Has been receiving treatments from me and another Reiki practitioner (also registered here) for a few days already.


  • 16.12.2015
    Short joy for birthday

    Before treatments began for A., he spent 1 1/2 weeks just lying in bed, barely responsive. 2 days after the start of treatments – on his birthday (!) he was able to spend the day out of bed. He even got a visitor. The day was very nice for him, although exhausting. Since then, however, he has been back in bed, is now receiving artificial nutrition again because he is constantly vomiting and is simply too weak. He also finds it difficult to speak.

    A. is happy that so many think of him and do good for him.
    Thank you also from me for your support!

  • 22.12.2015
    Highs and lows

    When I talked to A. on the phone today, he sounded a lot better than he did last week. Speaking was no longer so difficult for him. He continues to lie in bed, having ups and downs. He is mainly fed artificially, but takes tea independently, for example. Whereby this probably always brings him like a lump in the throat, which often leads to nausea. Tomorrow he will probably get a mini wheelchair, with which he plans to be able to move around the apartment for Christmas and help his mother, especially to prepare and taste the traditional food. That would be his specialty …

    I think it’s great that he has this as a goal in mind and I mean it’s certainly a credit to all of you too!

    With this in mind, Merry Christmas to you all!