Side effects drug (blood thinner)

Period: 13.09.2013 - 27.09.2013
Protocol entries: 2
Area(s): Abdomen / Stomach / Intestine, Blood, Psyche

K. is 45 and must take blood thinners for life. In January, she received a new medication. One after the other, problems arose with bile, stomach, respiratory problems. There is suspicion that all organs are attacked as a side effect of the new drug. Most threatening at the moment is the question of the attack on the heart. In addition to the physical, K. must deal with the uncertainty of ongoing diagnoses (her lawyer wants to take the drug off the market).

To cope with the physical and psychological stresses, K. asks for emergency chain support.
My hope is that the impending heart diagnosis will be preempted.


  • 25.09.2013
    Significant improvement

    I received the following from K:
    “I am significantly better. Had quite a bit of diarrhea and headaches, but that is now a thing of the past. 🙂 Despite the fact that I am still very tired, I feel much stronger and more optimistic that everything will be fine.

    I would like to thank EVERYONE from the bottom of my heart because I feel very honored to be supported by the Emergency Chain.”

  • 27.09.2013
    Final feedback

    Slightly delayed and belatedly – it was yes until 27.09.. sent – one more final feedback: K. is doing very well. The heart diagnosis went well and showed good values. The ECG line typically runs differently in her than in “normal” people; however, this has always been the case and is not a cause for concern. She still has frequent headaches, which she considers a healing symptom (see her first feedback).