In the end, it started “creeping”. Since spring 2013 I could not get rid of a very persistent cough. First, the lung specialist and I attributed the symptoms to my pollen allergy. He prescribed me a cortisone inhalant to “clear my lungs.” I didn’t take it at first and worked on it with Reiki. It finally got a little better towards the early summer.
In the summer, I was lucky enough to be able to take a mother-child cure with my two sons. Shortly before that, I had to deal with a severe infection, which was again accompanied by coughing. This time I took the inhalate because I didn’t want to just be sick the whole cure. However, it hardly improved at first, so that I was severely affected during the first week of the cure. After that, fortunately, it got better. The rest of the summer went well.
Until I was caught again by an infection in late summer and again the cough started. This time it was so severe that my general condition was so weak that I had to take two weeks’ sick leave. I treated myself with Reiki for about 1 hour in addition to my daily self-treatment. After the two weeks, I was able to return to work.
But I was still driving at “low level”. I found it difficult to be adequately there for my boys after work, let alone take care of the household. I dragged myself through the fall. Sometimes it went quite well again, then it got a little worse. Somehow I wasn’t that “really” sick either. Didn’t want to be on sick leave all the time either. But I was not really healthy either.
Shock to the core!When the dry cough got worse after Christmas 2013, I saw my family doctor several times. He treated with the usual cough expectorants, which then always provided some short-term relief. In January, I also started having breathing problems and felt totally “burned out” again. It occurred to me what I didn’t want to admit before. Does sarcoidosis announce itself with a relapse? I was diagnosed with this condition in 2006, but it had slipped out of my consciousness because I had been blissfully symptom-free since 2008 (I did the Reiki 1 seminar in early 2008, Reiki 2 a little later, Reiki 3 in January 2011).
Since my condition was getting worse, I decided to go to the pulmonary specialist before my regular check-up appointment. What I got to hear and see there on 23.1.2014 shocked me to the core! On the X-ray of my lungs there was a shadow, real big (about ½ fist!), which he could not assign to my sarcoidosis: “Sarcoidosis does not do that, it must be clarified immediately”! He sent me to St. Joseph Stift for a CT scan the same day and immediately gave me a hospital referral for the HB-Ost Clinic. With trembling knees, I drove to the CT scan.
After that I was told that I most likely had a malignant tumor, or with a chance it could be tuberculosis. Totally unsettled, I drove home after the examination results. I first phoned my children’s father, who, to my great relief, immediately agreed to take the children to stay with him for the duration of my examinations and hospitalization. I still had the weekend, because the following Monday I was supposed to go to Klinikum-Ost. I called my brothers and my two longest and best friends. Afterwards I called Susanne Dölvers, my Reiki Master. She found incredibly soothing and empowering words for me and organized a Reiki emergency chain for me.
I treated myself several hours a day and additionally used methods from Reiki 2+3. During the examinations, I enveloped the examiner, myself, the equipment, the room. I filled all waiting times with Reiki treatments. In addition, mental training and Qi gong were a great help to me.
What happened next was like a miracle. When I look back I can hardly believe it myself! I became increasingly calm. Felt that I can accept what comes. All the people around me were turned towards me and supported me. I was very close to myself. Closer than ever before. And I felt softness and love. I felt incredibly carried. All this helped me to get through the following time well.
flanking measuresUnfortunately, after a bronchoscopy (29.1.2014) at the Klinikum-Ost, despite tissue sampling, it was still not possible to say with certainty whether the tumor was benign or malignant. Only tuberculosis could now be ruled out. Therefore, I was sent to St. Jürgen Hospital for nuclear medicine examination (2/4/2014). There I was injected with a sugar solution which, by means of radioactivity, was supposed to show how metabolically active the affected area was. Unfortunately, the area of the tumor was so metabolically active that malignancy became very likely.
Shortly after being discharged from St. Jürgen Hospital, I was drawn to a bookstore and directly to the nutrition section. Purposefully, I went to a book by Dr. Johannes F. Coy, “The New Anti-Cancer Diet.” Especially after the last examination, everything I read seemed totally conclusive. Omitting sugar and reducing carbohydrates curbs metabolic activity in degenerate cells (this is just one aspect of the “ketogenic” diet!). I immediately changed my diet (6.2.) and felt from day to day how I felt better!
A few days later, the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne with the accompanying DVD fell into my hands at home. I had already received it from Marc at Christmas, but had not yet had the leisure to read it or watch the DVD. I virtually devoured it. Especially the story of Miracle-Man, who had to be ventilated after a plane crash and lay motionless in the hospital. It was predicted that he would never be able to breathe, speak or walk normally again. Through his tremendous belief in himself and his imagination of walking and breathing out of the hospital a few months later, he has called this fact into his life. He left the hospital on his own legs, before that the ventilator could be removed. The power of our thoughts is an incredibly strong force! We should use them consciously much more often! And now imagine this also in connection with Reiki. Isn’t that a huge gift?
I now took this gift with me to my next hospital visit at Klinikum-Ost. There, puncture should be performed again to obtain reliable tissue samples. This time from the outside through the chest wall. An updated radiograph was obtained the day before (2/11/2014). And oh miracle, there was clearly to see that the shadow had reduced!!! In addition, a CT was now made, because they were considering whether the puncture must be made at all. CT also indicated the decline. However, it was not strong enough to refrain from puncture. In the meantime, I myself had also reached the point where I finally wanted clarity. The puncture took place on 2/12/14 and was without complications. The attending physician, who at first seemed a bit “lanky” to me, turned out to be a very confident, professional, even loving practitioner. Everything was over quicker than first thought. I was allowed to go home the very next day.
Rebirth!On 17.2. the findings should be available and the further procedure should be discussed. It was like a new birth of sorts! I actually already knew, as I was feeling much better, yet a residual uncertainty remained. The doctor greeted me with the words: “You seem relaxed and you have every reason to be, the infiltrate is benign! While very unusual, clearly attributable to sarcoidosis.”
He said that “spontaneous healing” can sometimes occur in sarcoidosis, but is uncommon in chronic courses. I told him about Reiki, Qigong and the change of diet and we decided against cortisone therapy. He advised me to continue with all my techniques as before and come back in May for a checkup.
98% decreased - Thank youI was able to help celebrate my son’s birthday on 2/18/14 with great relief! From 24.2. I went back to work and everyday life slowly returned, albeit at a “low level”.
I thanked myself every day for my healing and imagined my lungs healthy and strong. And.
…the miracle was not yet over. At my next examination on 26.5. the infiltrate had decreased by 98%!
What a gift!!!
Thank you that I am!
Thank you that Reiki exists!!!
AddendumSusanne Dölvers reports that G is still in good health. No further findings.