Scattered cancer

Period: 10.04.2013 - 26.04.2013
Protocol entries: 2
Area(s): Cancer, Chemotherapy

Rare kidney tumor, one lung removed, according to findings metastases in lungs, liver, bones, spinal cord, next chemo appointments 11.04. and 18.04.

Thank you and namasté


  • 19.04.2013
    She is bad

    Dear Reiki Helpers,
    thank you for the broadcasts, my mother is not well, maybe she would be even worse without Reiki, the doctors are chasing chemo in, today again because of metastases, they do not want to hear about the hospital germ, which was detected before the kidney removal, chemo is the only hope, she is permanently sick. I know everything takes time, but I hope very strongly that the tide will soon turn and recovery will begin. Unfortunately I do not know any magic cure, THANK YOU

  • 26.04.2013
    New courage to face life

    Dear Reikians,

    thanks for the great help, mom has since a few days again courage to live, does small things again, the chemo takes hold, more chemos on May 2 and 16, then again big examination and we hope then for a positive report. Thank you for allowing me to learn to never lose confidence.

    Best wishes to each and every one of you
    and kind regards
    H. N.