Drumheads ruptured in a dog

Period: 30.11.2007 - 14.12.2007
Protocol entries: 1
Area(s): Pflanzen und Tiere

My dog was hit by a car, two days after I had done Reiki I. I immediately took her in my arms and my first thought was, I have to give her Reiki, then everything will be fine again. When I took a closer look at her, I realized that the injuries were pretty bad and immediately drove to the vet.

The doctor found out that my dog had many bruises and that both eardrums were ruptured, because she had been hit full on the head. She said you don’t know if there might be a blood clot there, too, and the next 24 hours would be crucial.


  • 14.12.2007
    Quite the old lady

    I drove home and cried for a while. Then I remembered that you told us at the seminar that one can additionally support with remote Reiki and thereupon I called you and asked you to support me in the healing of my dog, to which you were immediately ready. Thanks again for that.

    I then treated my dog with Reiki the whole time, slept the night next to her on the floor and did not take my hands off her the whole night. The next day she was much better, but she couldn’t walk straight and when she shook she fell over immediately. I then called the vet and told her, to which she said that her balance is off, which comes from the eardrum injury and they don’t know if that will even grow back closed and if it does, it will take about 1 ½ years. I continued to treat my dog with Reiki and the next day I went to the vet. She said it’s a miracle, my dog walked straight again and all the swelling was gone. One ear had almost grown back and there was only a very small hole in the other.

    Today, 14 days later, she is totally fine again, she can shake herself without falling over and is back to her old self.