From a father:
… last week our 3rd son, Reik, was born. He and my wife are doing well. Due to the difficult birth (anterior occipital position) Reik had a hematoma (=strong deformations and pressure marks on the top of the head), which normally leads to jaundice of the newborn on the first day of life to cope with the strains of the birth.
Thanks to a lot of Reiki, jaundice did not occur, and Reik’s upper head recovered quickly. Now Reik is at home with us for the first few days – and you guessed it, nothing is like it was before. It really shakes up our usual routine during the day and night. But this is only a temporary phenomenon, at some point a new rhythm has established itself with Reik. It is my firm intention to support my wife in this transitional phase, and to be with her.