6000 Reiki-Students – a celebration

In 1992 in Hong Kong for the first time and just recently in Weimar. 6004 people from all of life’s situations, religions, professions and social backgrounds have acquired Reiki. Our 6000th client is Anke Thieme. She embodies our activity over the last 23 years in a wonderful way. Read her story here: 

I am 45 years old and have been living in Weimar for 20 years. I have 5 chrildren, 2 daughters and 3 sons.

At the time of the GDR I followed the wish of my partents and learnt the profession of a mechanic. After the “turn” to FRG I did a commercial apprenticeship for health reasons. Since 1996 I work in the library of the High School for Music in Weimar.

In February 2010 my 4th child was born with Down-Syndrom and since then I at home as a mother and housewife. In February 2013 my 5th child was born and I decided to extend my time-out from professional life.

For a long time I have been on the search for „something“ for myself as well as for my family.

In early childhood I very much suffered from neurodermatitis and from hay fever which still today influences my well-being unpleasantly. Our upbringing was tough for my sister and me. This influenced my life mostly in a negative way. I kept thinking: I am not worth of anything. I am a failure. Nobody listens to me.

A great uncertainty has ruled in all of life’s situations and kept causing health problems.

By a coincident a found my way to Reiki. Mischa was staying in one of my husbands apartments here in Weimar and gave a public talk about Reiki in the evening. That is where my husband “sent me to” and after this evening I instantly knew that I will take the Reiki 1 seminar.
It was a wonderful seminar for me. Mischa took me an adventurous journey to many places on this planet. Which made me aware of how well I am in this life of mine and it made me even more aware of the pain of others.  

After the Seminar I now can give myself strength at any given moment, strength which I so urgently need, I can treat my children and others who need it.

More and more I come to feel: Anke you are worthy of something, you can achieve things and you are being heard.  

Anke Thieme

Anke’s Feedback to the seminar here
More Info about public talks here.
More about the Reiki 1 Seminar here.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow Rene & Mischa, congratulations!! Its such an honour to have known you all these years, I still remember with great fondness when I did Reiki 2 with Rene way back in 1995 🙂 It inspired me to continue my training as a Reiki Master, and now here we are 20 years later!! Thank you for your work, and for touching the lives of others in such a deep and meaningful way,
    Hugs, Elaine xx
    Singapore: http://www.reikicentre.com.sg/

  • It is hard to believe that over 20 years have passed since Reiki first brought us together. I remember, vividly, the dedication you both had back then to your vision of spreading Reiki. That you have initiated over six thousand students since certainly speaks to the depth of your commitment.

    Thank you both for being such an inspiration.

    Love always,

    • Thank you so much. We treasure your comment and the memory of you and John as our teachers.
      René and Mischa

  • Wow – six thousand students. How incredibly inspiring. Just imagine the thousands of lives that those students’ lives have touched! Thank you, Rene and Mischa, for facilitating this tsunami of healing and strength through Reiki – the world certainly needs it. And thanks to Anke, too, for having the courage to share her powerful story. xoxoxo Wendy
    from USA, Reiki since 1995

  • Dear Rene and Mischa, it seems you continue to touch and inspire many lives – more than 6000 lives! I can’t believe it’s been so long since you first introduced our family to Reiki here in Hong Kong, and we are grateful. I do have to remind my children when they are in any kind of pain or are suffering from stress or anxiety that they have Reiki to help. I suppose it is natural when all is well to forget, but it is very nice to know it is there when you need it!
    Best wishes to you both for continued success.
    Marie Anne xx
    from Hong Kong, Reiki since 1993

  • Dearest Rene and Mischa, I am so grateful and moved to read that you have offered Reiki to six thousands lives.
    You have lighten to this world almost a small town where I am a citizen as well, and I have the opportunity to share this present and treat the life around my life.
    Have a good continuity with the work you do and may this enlightenment of spreading be always with you and around us!
    Love you
    Konstantina Kyriazi
    Reiki since 2007, Reiki Masters since 2012

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